Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hike to Fish

Many of you who have follow these blogs over the past few years have seen a lot of "Hike to Fish" posts.  Well, this is another.

We were in the Bitterroot River Valley, and the mountains and canyons are calling us to "come on up". We researched and found the Blodgett River in the Blodgett Canyon looked to be interesting.

We set off for a 3 to 4 mile hike to get up into the canyon and then to stop, turn around and fish down the stream.

It was a beautiful hike as it was into what is called, "Yosemite of Montana". Great hike, great views and in the end, what Alicia would call "a GREAT day".

We will break this post into 2 sections: the hike and fish portion and the calling all climbers portion.

The hike and fishing:

Starting off from the Parking lot trailhead.

Through the bottom section - a forest fire 20 years ago.

Getting to the river

Following the stream up

 The upper section of the hike -- through a scree pile (one of many)

 The river as it flattens out in the meadows

On the way back -- stopping at the "logical fishing spots"
Note the "handsome, well dressed, well tanned, exceptionally capable fishing guide"

Alicia fishing in a pool

Small streams -- small fish  -- and we caught a lot!
This is FAR different than fishing for BIG fish, but every bit as much fun.

But, in the end, as Alicia said, "Wow, that was fun"

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