Friday, September 27, 2013

Port Elizabeth

Port Elizabeth, named after Queen Elizabeth, is the main town on Bequia. Like many islands, Bequia is a former British holding, but is now part of the country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Cars on SVG are all right hand drive - which takes a little getting use to. I just am pleased that the road are narrow, there are speed bumps everywhere, and there are no roundabouts. So, I can drive 20MPH and be happy.

Port Elizabeth is the hub of the island, and the center of attention is the ferry terminal, where pretty much all product and people arrive at Bequia. The island is currently in shoulder season and things are slow, some restaurants closed, etc. Come December, this place will become very busy.

This is the Bequia Express - moving people and things from Bequia. The Yellow building is the customs house, immigration office, etc... mostly handling traveling sailors. I got my driving permit there  - for $65EC about 25$US

If you want to meet someone, or wait for the ferry, you pretty much sit at the "almond trees", a shaded area in town. To the right in the above images.

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