Saturday, October 5, 2013

Living on Bequia - Buying a lobster

Although we did get to grocery stores before this, a post on grocery stores will take a while.

So, this post is just about one other way to buy stuff.

Lobster is not available in any grocery store, nor are there any lobster shacks, lobster piers, or the like. Definitely no lobster bibs. But you can buy lobsters directly from the lobster guys.

They  catch lobster the same way Mainers do -- setting traps - even if the traps are a bit more low tech than those used in Maine.

The lobsters are on the other side of island so it is a small trip to get there, an adventure. But, you need to know where to go... that's where Jal was helpful.. he took us there.  And, as necessary, translated. Everyone speaks English, but we have found that there is what is called "standard" -- for talking to non-islanders and "local", for talking among the islanders (and doing it very fast).

Standard - "to make the boat". Local - "fa mek de but" (long u) said very quickly.

Anyway, we bought lobster.

We got the lobsterman's attention ( well Jal did ) and said we wanted 2 lobsters. "OK", and away they went. To where, we did not know. Well, they keep the lobster in big crates, sitting in the nearby bay. One guy swims out and begins to pull the crate to shore. No concept of a pulley system?

Here is Alicia going to meet them 

They pull this "little" guy out of the box -- first thing Alicia says is "I think we only need one!"

These are Spiny Lobster --typical in Carib.. no claws!
But the price is actually about the same and must be priced right because Jal also bought one.

That one is ours... and NO that guy is not smoking ganga!

Too big for the pot.

Done, and ready for lobster salad and avocado sandwiches.

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